Guatemalan Mole

In celebration of Latino Heritage Month, Fatima and Santiago’s Mom, Loudres, will be showing us how to make a Guatemalan Mole, which is eaten as a dessert.


  • 3 cooking bananas (plantains) 
  • 3 tbs toasted sesame seeds
  • 5 tbs pumpkin seeds (pepitoria)
  • 4 ripe tomatoes (~ 1 pound) 
  • 4 ounces of chocolate (I usually use the Tony’s Chocolonoly bar, Dark chocolate 70%. But any other brand will work)
  • 1 tsp of sesame for decoration
  • 1 tsp cinnamon powder
  • 1/2 cup of brown sugar 
  • 1 Guajillo chili (chile Guaque)
  • 1 pasilla chili (chile pasa) 
  • 3 tbs Frying oil
  • 3 oz water 


  • Measuring spoons
  • Medium Saucepan
  • Medium Fryer pan
  • Spatula
  • Knife
  • Tongs
  • Cutting board
  • Blender
  • Paper towel

Specialty Items

  • Guajillo Chili
  • Pasilla Chili
  • Plantain
  • Erythritol – This is the sweetener that we use at home for baking or a dessert; of course, you can use any other kind of sugar.


Cut the plantains into long slices, not too thick or too thin, then fry them in a little oil in a frying pan. 

In a saucepan, place the chopped tomatoes, guajillo chili (seeded), pasilla chile and the cinnamon and simmer for about 10 to 15 minutes. Remove from the heat and let cool.

In a frying pan, place the sesame and the pepitoria and brown for a few minutes. Reserve some sesame seeds for decoration.

Place in the blender the tomato, spices, sesame and pepitoria mixture, also add the sugar and blend until the ingredients are well mixed together.

Then place the mixture (or sauce) in a medium size pot and add the chocolate and simmer over low heat. 

Finally, add the fried plantains to the sauce to absorb the sweet flavor and cook for about 3 more minutes. Remove the pot from the heat and serve.